A work in progress demake of the amazing puzzle game Baba Is You, original by Arvi Teikari (a.k.a. Hempuli), created from scratch entirely on my Android for the interesting limitation.
(Note: The keyboard mapping for the in-browser player is Z=A, X=B, A=X, S=Y)
Up/Down - Move selection
A - Choose selection
B - Back
Level Select:
Left and right arrows
A - Load level
B - Back to main menu
Normal Mode:
Up/Down/Left/Right - Move "You"
A - Wait a turn in place
B - Camera mode
X - Rewind a turn
Y - Open in-game menu
Camera Mode:
A - Back to normal mode, keeping camera location
B - Back to normal mode, resetting camera location
Up/Down/Left/Right - Move Camera
Y - Open in-game menu
Implemented so far:
• Main menu including credits
• Rough overworld visuals and functionality
• Levels 00-04
• ~95% accurate behavior within the levels
• Additional camera mode to work around TIC-80's small screen size.
• In-game popup menu
• Grid lines setting
What I hope to add next:
• Music and sound effects
• Fully functional level selection overworld (or at least nearly, given the additional functionality that appears later in the game)
• Separate animated winning magic dust sprites
• Mouse/Touch Support
• More levels and their necessary sprites and functionality
==Tech Stack==
Android Apps:
• TIC-80 Pro - Allows me to work on the game externally to the TIC-80 software (using a special build to get new features I required in Android 13)
• F-Droid - Open Source Play Store alternative that is now the best way to get the most fully functional Termux version and keep it up to date
• Termux - Full-fledged bash environment that works on Android without root
• Material Files - File manager that allows me to mount both the Termux and TIC-80 files and copy files between them even with Android 13's new security restrictions
Inside Termux:
• git - for version control
• Neovim - Updated fork of the classic vim text editor
• vim-fugitive - plugin used in neovim for git integration