Press LEFT and RIGHT arrows to move your cannon
Press the Z key to shoot
Press F1 to save your highscore to persistent memory.
description: This is a clone o the classid arcade game
space invaders done following Bytes N Bit tutorial:
This is the state of the game after I finished the tutorial, I intent to continue working on it this week.
V. 1.0: Initial State of the game
V. 1.1:
1 . Fixed the bug with losing lives and not resetting missiles.
2. Reduced the maximum number of bullets from 5 to 4
3. Slowed down the player bullet speed form 2 to 0.75
4. Aliens can now shoot up to 30 missiles at you, beware.
5. Alien missile speed now range randomly from 0.3 to 0.5
1. Aliens now have hitpoints, the two top rows have 3 hitpoints, the two middle rows have 2 hitpoints and the bottom rows have two hitpoints. I felt this better justifies their different score values.
2. Player damage for each bullet is now 1, in the future I might add some mechanics which may increase or decrease this value.
3. To compensate for the increased difficulty, I have increased the player lives form 4 to 5.
4. Players now have highscores and, if they so desire they may save those highscores by pressing the END button int heir keyboards so this score is stored in the persistent storage.
5. The saved hgihscore is now automatically loaded at gamestart.
6. Aliens nwo have bars which reflect explicitly their current hitpoints.
7. Removed the timer dipslay because I ran out of screen space and the highscore is more important, I may add it back later, but the code is preserved and the timer is still running in the background.
1. Change the save key from END to F1 because it was causing issues when playing from the web.
1. Sometimes, when the player loses a life, the wait time before the game continues is inconsistent. Sometimes There is no wait time and sometimes it drags on for seconds. (FIXED)
Please report any bugs you find.
1. Make a simple main menu to let the player select the difficulty of the game and customize a few aspects of it.
2. Add a highscore system separated by difficulty level.
3. Implement a hitpoint system for each alien, justifying the better scoring when some of the aliens are killed, maybe I could let them have different behaviors as well.
4. Implement the player shields.
4. Every time the player clears a level (kills all the aliens), he may be able to buy upgrades, lives and repair the shields, adding a sense of progression, obviously the aliens should become harder to compensate. The currency will be the player score, so the less the player buys upgrades the better his score.
5. Implementing a pause menu
6. Balance the game, the player bullets are too fast, also the aliens are shooting too many missiles at you.
These are more advanced features that I'm not really sure can be done in TIC80:
6. Implementing data persistence for highscores and game configurations.
7. Add the option to save and load games (I have no diea how I can do that in tic80)