P1 inputs:
Menu keys = Arowns;
Action Key = Enter;
Return key = backspace;
P1 move = Arown Up and Arown Down.
P2 inputs:
P2 Move = W for Up and S for Down.
Quote: Go to the options and press the Left arown to set the game mode to multiplayer mode, and rigth arown to return to the single player mode.
P1 mobile inputs:
P1 move = D-Pad Up and D-Pad down;
Action Button = A;
Ruturn Button = B;
Menu Keys = D-Pad;
good game. I'm having a problem when the player moves to the lower screen it displays an error.
Hello #17764 i fixed that. Can you try again ?
cool, no bugs anymore
Jon, you have two pretty significant issues with your implementation that I would suggest addressing; First, the physics are all deterministic. Unless an error happens and it bounces off the "top" of your paddle (which is a bug that happens frequently) and goes straight down, the ball will always bounce depending on the angle at which it hit the paddle, which means the player has no influence on where the ball goes. Second, the "Computer player" is also deterministic, which means that the paddle only moves in a very specific set way, which doesn't even cover the whole map. Which means that 100% of the time, after the first two hits, the CPU Always loses. I would suggest having the CPU Follow the ball, and have its speed and motion affected non-deterministically by the inputs of the player to introduce pseudorandomness.
I meant to say S_Undead not jon
MrCrow I'll fix that. Thanks for your feedback.