WIP - bringing colour to the ray0n world
see https://tic80.com/play?cart=2512
this is a derivative (extremely unfinished) with RGB values
don't expect too much. performance is bad, it doesn't look nearly as good as the original ray0n and I have yet to figure out how to do the dithering.
0012.0001 - initial version derived from ray0n 0012. raytrace function now returns rgb vector, but colour rendering is not done properly yet ( let's see how far we can get with a 4-bit palette ;-) )
0012.0002 - palette randomization
0012.0002.0001 - removed blue.
(oops, screenshot didn't catch the modified palette ... faking it)
revamp color rendering: devise algorithm to dynamically quantize HSV space and create "the most optimal palette" according to frame contents
(I wonder - how to fix the screenshot? Is that a bug in tic80?)