Balance building a dyke and pushing your economy to earn enough resources before everything is flooded
A mouse-controlled, small but somewhat complex game of dyke building and economy, with some card game mechanics sprinkled on top. The approaching flood wave might frighten you, but you may keep your calm, because time only passes while you are moving or working.
This game was created in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 50
See https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/50/dyker for more information and access to the source code.
![]() lenaschimmel
I just uploaded a minor update which fixes three bugs: text typo, crash when you win the game, level restart (initial resources now also reset to the original amount)
![]() lenaschimmel
Fixed three more bugs: typo, glitchy end game screen, building more than one well does no longer stop all apples from growing completely, instead they grow even faster now
![]() Davijuan
Nao sei jorga