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Pew pew pew
made by NewbLuck
uploaded by NewbLuck
download cartridge


A space arena shooter. No real gameplay loop yet, but that is in the works.

Your energy and HP are the same, so not firing can let you tank hits, and firing laves you vulnerable.

The areas with the dotted backgrounds that you spawn in are safe zones, entering a safe zone maxes your energy and causes all your projectiles to disappear. Trying to fire a bullet in a safe zone will put you at a dead stop.

There are orange glowing containers on the field that are also dropped by enemies, picking these up will take you back to full energy.

Different ships have different parameters (speed, damage, energy recovery, energy requirements, etc), play around until you find one you like. Bombs typically inherit firing momentum (along with their own), so boosting when bombing will get them moving quick.

Black hole physics are still buggy, if oyu get flung outside of the arena you will have to use the debug key below to teleport.

Normal Keys:
L/R: Turn
U/D: Thrust / Reverse
A - Shoot / Select
B - Boost
X - Bomb
Y - Shockwave

Debug Mode:
Hold 'd' and press'b' to toggle on and off.

Debug Keys:
-/+/0: Zoom in/out/reset
C: Release / attach camera to player
P: Paralyze self
L: Kill self
K: Kill everyone else
G: God mode
E: Toggle enemies
T: Teleport to safe



i'm stuck at this game for a hour... gosh, i'd love that to be multiplayer :O

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