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Generates infinite procedural terrain with Auto-Map
made by ArchaicVirus
uploaded by ArchaicVirus
download cartridge


Procedural tile generation using layered open simplex noise.

- Generates infinite terrain in all directions, held in runtime cache for fast drawing.
- Can be seeded to generate the same map each re-load (clutter and tree density are randomized)
_ Defaulted to random seed
- AutoTile system to create smooth borders between tiles/biomes/water
- Includes dynamic animated water system, using noise to create ever-changing texture.
- Save Map to cart * (Will need to copy AutoMap system into your script to draw borders correctly)
- Adjust noise values and lerp setting in TileManager.create_tile() to customize terrain to your liking
- Any number of biomes can be added and customized to you liking (see the biomes[] table for example template).
- Can add your own tiles/clutter/trees/items from the tile editor, assign tree id's in biomes[] table
- Each biome has 12 sprites that are used to spawn clutter such as rocks, grass, loot or whatever, and can have certain ores spawn in them based on ores[] table settings. The last 4 sprites in each row of tiles are reserved for AutoTile mapping.
- Each biome is assigned 1 tree id for spawning forest clusters (id is the sprite id, 3x4 tree sprites), can be adjusted in biomes[] table.
Example Biome:
[1] = {
name = 'Desert',
tile_id_offset = 0, -- Tile index where this biome's tiles start (16 per biome) in the sprite editor, ex, 0 = tiles 0-15
min = 0, -- Minimum base_noise value where biome can exist (base_noise max value is 32, but you can change)
max = 10, -- See above Maximum
t_min = 21, -- Minimum base noise value where trees can spawn
t_max = 25, -- see above, Maximum
tree_id = 193, -- top left sprite id of 3x4 tree sprite used for this biome
tree_density = 0.05,-- chance that trees will spawn within t_min and t_max area
color_key = 4, -- Used to 'erase' the land/water area of border tiles, to 'blend' biomes
map_col = 4, -- Used for drawing world map
clutter = 0.05 -- Chance to spawn grass, rocks, flowers, etcetera



Interesting piece of software. Please support arrow keys, not all keyboards are QWERTY.


@Popolon Good idea, I will add those in!

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