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A TIC-80 demake of the puzzle game Baba Is You where you can change the rules by which you play. Original by Arvi Teikari (a.k.a. Hempuli)
made by Gabby Paolucci
uploaded by gabby_paolucci
download cartridge


A work in progress demake of the amazing puzzle game Baba Is You, original by Arvi Teikari (a.k.a. Hempuli), created from scratch entirely on my Android for the interesting limitation.

(Note: The keyboard mapping for the in-browser player is Z=A, X=B, A=X, S=Y)

Up/Down - Move selection
A - Choose selection
B - Back

Level Select:
Left and right arrows
A - Load level
B - Back to main menu

Normal Mode:
Up/Down/Left/Right - Move "You"
A - Wait a turn in place
B - Camera mode
X - Rewind a turn
Y - Open in-game menu

Camera Mode:
A - Back to normal mode, keeping camera location
B - Back to normal mode, resetting camera location
Up/Down/Left/Right - Move Camera
Y - Open in-game menu

Implemented so far:
• Main menu including credits
• Rough overworld visuals and functionality
• Levels 00-04
• ~95% accurate behavior within the levels
• Additional camera mode to work around TIC-80's small screen size.
• In-game popup menu
• Grid lines setting

What I hope to add next:
• Music and sound effects
• Fully functional level selection overworld (or at least nearly, given the additional functionality that appears later in the game)
• Separate animated winning magic dust sprites
• Mouse/Touch Support
• More levels and their necessary sprites and functionality

==Tech Stack==
Android Apps:
• TIC-80 Pro - Allows me to work on the game externally to the TIC-80 software (using a special build to get new features I required in Android 13)
• F-Droid - Open Source Play Store alternative that is now the best way to get the most fully functional Termux version and keep it up to date
• Termux - Full-fledged bash environment that works on Android without root
• Material Files - File manager that allows me to mount both the Termux and TIC-80 files and copy files between them even with Android 13's new security restrictions

Inside Termux:
• git - for version control
• Neovim - Updated fork of the classic vim text editor
• vim-fugitive - plugin used in neovim for git integration

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