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made by Jackson Brosgol and Kenneth Barkdoll
uploaded by batman414
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You play as Aang. The Western Air Temple has been overrun by normally-benevolent spirits, hungry for the cosmic energy of the Avatar. You must navigate the temple and relight all 31 Spirit Lanterns by hand with your firebending. In addition, you can satiate spirits by hitting them with fire (X button), or slow them with water (S button). You can also levitate with your air bending (A button). This is useful, as if you get too close to an unsatiated spirit, it will drain you (you will die and respawn at the last Spirit Lantern). You can only take so many drainings (5 lives) before you must rest and attempt to re-light the Lanterns (you will respawn at the beginning of the level). However, particularly in areas where there are many spirits, you can bend a shield around yourself (Z Button) to temporarily prevent spirits from draining you.

The following is a brief tutorial and explanation of the more difficult mechanics.

Use the arrow keys to navigate through the world, using A to fly. Be careful when flying to avoid the spirits floating in the air, even close to the ground. Hopping and giving them fire energy will calm them. Your other elemental abilities work as follows: Z gives you a three second earth shield. This is very important later in the game to drop into areas full of spirits. X shoots out bits of fire that feed spirits, pacifying them. Water calms them so that they stop moving, but will still drain you if you get too close. In addition, note that if you are standing at a lit Spirit Lantern, you will not be drained, making them safe havens, even in seas of spirits. This is also useful as you must watch your ‘element meters’ in the bottom left. Should you run out of air power, your flight will stutter. Spam X or S, and you will run out of fire and water, and be left with no way to calm the spirits. Be drained, and you respawn at the last spirit lantern.

Navigate through the world, and light all the spirit lanterns. Should you later return to an area with lit lanterns, the spirits will no longer be there. Here are some other tips. At the surface level, be careful not to fly off the top of the screen. This will result in losing a life. Use the beginning, without spirits, to practice the flow of using your elements.

Note: (Should you come to a new area with unlit lanterns and no spirits, try leaving where you came from, and re-entering. This may mean you accidentally did not pass over the barrier required to trigger spirit spawning. This may occur as you move from the surface down below the cliffs. It is best to stay near the platforms of the Air Temple).

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