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Save Redorose in new first person rpg!
made by xXx_Bobby Cage_xXx
uploaded by xXxBobbyCagexXx
download cartridge


WARNING: some amount of pixelated blood, rare strong language
For quick start read just 3 last sections of readme text:
--Note from me--
This is my very first rpg (west-style dungeon crawler), and also pretty advanced game
for my skill. Hovewer, I hit limit with both TIC-80 and my skill, so raycast
is not as good as I expected, and I had to cut many things. I consider game is ready
at 90%, just lacking some polishing and ending. You can think that you beat game when you
reach sword and get with it to king-.
Controls here will be listed for TIC-80 gamepad buttons, but most buttons have in-game
translation to default keyboard buttons, which you can change. Read further for details.
1. Plot
2. Basics: gameplay
3. Basics: screens
4. Battle screen in more detail
5. Changing controls
6. Bit of FAQ

1. Plot
Redorose is country with mighty king powered by magic sword which was stolen recently.
As one of rebels you was caught but were provided a chance to get away from punishment:
just find magic sword and bring it into king palace. Easy, right?
2. Gameplay
This section will explain basics of what you have to do.
In your hands is minimap which will help in many things: navigate world,
better find items on soil, see active tiles, and many more.
You may encounter bad boys, you can visit shops and talk with people,
and pick up some things or use them. Use all of these to get closer to your goal.
3. Screens
Game divided in many screens:
- Start menu: allows you to choose some starting conditions and read plot.
On this screen use up and down to choose option, left and right to change values,
and press buttons shown on screen to choose one of two presets or start game.
- Exploration: here you can see buttons when actions are possible:
Attract enemy
Enter screen with stats or interior/dialogue if you stand on certain tiles
(If you have map) unfold it and look at world in more detail
- Battle: if you have bad luck or big balls you fight with foe and either die or die.
- Map: use arrows to look around it and see what exactly is where exactly.
- Stats: not just stats, but also gold, scraps, your hp, and items you have.
Gold used for buying items, scraps used for crafting,
and here some information about stats:

Strength: affects chance for critical (x3 damage) hit with weapon and power of hands
With 0, you will have ~10% chance to do critical hit
With 999, you will have ~40% chance to do critical hit

Speed: affects chance to avoid being hit (affects only regular attacks)
With 0, you will have 0% chance to avoid hit
With 999, you will have ~50% chance to avoid hit

Weaponry: affects chance to hit while using weapon
With 0, you will have ~30% chance to hit
With 999, you will have ~77% chance to hit

Mind: affects variety of magic you may use

Crafting: affects variety of things you can make in crafthouses

Positivity: affects your movement speed in overworld

4. Battle screen details
This screen is flooded with numbers and no controls, so read this section for info
At top you can see foe name, hp, damage, and turn number
You use each hand in combat separately which gives you 2 sub-turns when it's your turn.
In middle you can see "..." which stands for no info, or string with information about
some events (special attack of enemy, news about avoiding attack, etc), your foe
Bottom part is most interesting, let's divide it into 3 parts:
- Left bottom part is your magic list, here you can see spell name, mana and wisdom
values you have and requirements, and description for spells. Press X and Y buttons
to change spells and press B to use spell.
- Middle bottom part is your inventory of usable items (YOU CAN USE THESE ITEMS ONLY DURING BATTLE)
Your very first item is hands which does small damage, which can be upgraded by upgrading Strength,
and does damage with 100% hit chance. All other items are not endless in usage and either one-use only
(Consumables) or multiple-use (Weapons).
This section shows on which item in list you are, and overall amount of items; Name of item and its effect
To change items press left or right and press A to use item.
- Right bottom part shows your stats, hp, mana, gold and scraps
5. Changing controls
Remember that buttons listed here refers to TIC-80 buttons, not their keyboard "emulation" (think about
TIC-80 as emulator, where you have to simulate gamepad buttons through keyboard buttons)
This is default mapping (TIC-80 buttton=keyboard buttons)
Up, down, left, right=arrows
If you find this binding confusing or uncomfortable, which is understandable, you can configure them!
Here instructions:
- Press ESC during gameplay. You'll get to menu with grey net in background, link at bottom and
name of engine at top. In future use mouse click or arrows+ENTER to choose menu options.
- Choose in this sequence: OPTIONS; SETUP GAMEPAD
- Choose button you wish to change, then press new keyboard binding
- Repeat until all bindings are what you need
- Choose in this order: SAVE MAPPING; BACK; RESUME GAME.

You can also play using gamepad, just plug it before play. Notice that buttons are mapped
automatically to face buttons and you can't change them, experiment to see which buttons do what.
6. FAQ
- Why I loose stats or even gold/etc during some battles?
- This can be effect of special attack.

- Why tiles such as items, characters, shops are not displayed in overworld? I can't see them.
- They are functional, they're just invincible as effect of limited raycast. I tried to place interactable
tiles such way that you can step on them
by using walls, automap, or there just too many of tiles to miss interaction.
Hovewer, some items may appear in empty land without clear
landmarks, in this case you have to walk around a bit and use automap.

- How minimap works?
- White pixel in center is you. Other solid colors are walls, and flashing colors are active tiles.

- What's with FOV and fish eye?
- Main hero is fishman. FOV is just equal to TIC-80 resolution (240 degrees), thanks to my dumb coding.

- What do I do in game?
- Explore the world. I tried to explain most important things, leaving quests to your play. If you are
really lost - I can write playthrough file.

- I entered tile, but it shows black screen.
- I think this might be bug where you stand too close to wall, and game thinks that you "enter" wall tile,
meaning no impact. Just quit screen, step back a bit and try again.

- Why resurrecting at preacher leaves enemies the same as when you died, not corresponding to preacher's zone danger level?
- Bug.

- How do I save?
- There no saves :(

- What day-night cycle affects? Maybe work time of shops, or variety of enemies?
- Nothing. I had plans on making main quest limited by time, but decided to not make balancing work harder.

- I found bug or have suggestion.
- I don't think I will add content to game in major way, but if there is bad bug I will fix it. Just leave comment
in game's page.

- How bad is your code?

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