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Brainf interpreter in TIC-80 with built in editor
made by SirWobb79 (@admiralerkal79 via discord)
uploaded by SirWobb79
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Brainf'k interpreter in TIC-80 with both a built in editor and gamepad support.

(Key/Gamepad, single buttons are universal)
Z/A - Enter a code instruction or input a value
X/B - Delete a code instruction
A/X - Run and pause program
S/Y - Refresh environment while keeping current code
LEFT AND RIGHT - Choose an input when prompted or inspect your code
UP AND DOWN - Select a code command to insert

The premade program will print an endless stream of numbers to output, try make something new!


a to z - 1 to 26
A to Z - 27 to 52
0 - 53
1 - 54
2 - 55
3 - 56
4 - 57
5 - 58
6 - 59
7 - 60
8 - 61
9 - 62
SPACE - 63
. - 64
, - 65
! - 66
? - 67
' - 68
\ - 69
" - 70
$ - 71
% - 72
^ - 73
& - 74
* - 75
( - 76
) - 77
[ - 78
] - 79
{ - 80
} - 81
: - 82
; - 83
< - 84
> - 85
- - 86
= - 87
_ - 88
+ - 89
# - 90
~ - 91
/ - 92
| - 93
\ - 94

Now with limitless output (at the cost of no scrollback :p)

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