Interact with the TV and browse channels. Only channel 33 does anything right now.
# Controls:
[Z] Interact
[X] Cancel
[Arrow Keys] Move
# Okay, what exactly is this?!?
An unfinished homage to a deleted TIC80 game that only existed for like a week. In the original you were locked in a room and forced to browse 99 TV channels at random. Once you selected a channel, you had to walk to bed (very slowly) and go to sleep. In your dreams you would enter small levels (varying based on the TV channel) which occasionally contained collectible items: A key, a flower, a crucifix, etc. When you collected all 5 of them, you were rewarded with an ending scene (complete with dialogue) that made more or less exactly zero sense.
Since the game was so opaque, I wasn't even able to complete it legit: I cheated, peeked at the code and noted down the 5/99 channels that actually did anything, along with the order they had to be accessed in, then beat the game. But the ending mystified me: I got the sense that it was something incredibly personal and meaningful to the gamedev that was impossible for anyone else to understand. After a week of ruminating, I decided to take a second look to see if I could make heads or tails of it, but the game had been deleted: It would remain a mystery forever.
Who could have made that weird TV-based Yume Nikki fangame? Why did they do it? Who were the characters, and why did only 2 of them get dialogue? What did the ending mean? None of the 3 people who played the cart would ever know. It's possible that I am the only person who even saw the game's ending aside from the author.
At the time it was published, most TIC80 games lacked the polish of today's catalog so the mere fact that it had a proper ending was enough to differentiate it from other entries on the RECENT GAMES list. Sure, the actual game was pretty bad: the movement system approached Atari 2600 levels of kludginess, the core game loop was as fun as guessing a bike lock combination, and the graphics were not good, but the EXPERIENCE stuck.
Needless to say, I spent about 2 afternoons starting a slightly more polished clone before abandoning it. I really don't know what I was thinking. It's been gathering digital dust for about 4 years by now and I didn't have it backed up anywhere so I just decided to upload it as is.
![]() fizzii01
This is pretty good to look at and listen too. The story behind it seems really intriguing, too. You've certainly made an improvement if the original was that tedious to navigate.
I'm working on an exploration game too, and I'm looking for some feedback, if you want to check it out on my page. |
![]() to1ex
this game is weird but kinda funny lol. the tv ui is very nice tho. it's also a good idea for an actual fleshed out game too
![]() replicat
idk what this is but i like it