Text Invaders. Back in the day the ROM font was a critical part of graphics. With Systems like the Tandy Color Computer and ZX81 relying on it. Back then it was to save RAM. Now... I guess it is just fun. Either way the TIC-80 has only 1 true screen mode.
Anyway the game is a clone of Taito's Space Invaders using nothing but print() and font() for graphics (font() is limited to Block Elements which are are common feature in 8 bit computers but are absent from the tic. I feel like that is a fair compromise).
The game has been minimally polished so criticism is welcome. Use X(A) and Y(S) to change palettes. Ernpu Yriry Zbq Sbhe.
Update: Added Sound effects and 8 new color palettes, mostly because I was bored, couldn't sleep and social distancing.
Update 2: Why did nobody tell me the UFO AI was bugged?
So good. Loved the original, love this one too.
Hello! @oshaboy Cartridge links.
Please Go to my cartridge links All Please comments & love https://tic.computer/play?cart=811 https://tic.computer/play?cart=771 https://tic.computer/play?cart=776 https://tic.computer/play?cart=773 https://tic.computer/play?cart=801 https://tic.computer/play?cart=792 https://tic.computer/play?cart=770 https://tic.computer/play?cart=777 https://tic.computer/play?cart=769 https://tic.computer/play?cart=805 https://tic.computer/play?cart=789 https://tic.computer/play?cart=790 https://tic.computer/play?cart=791 https://tic.computer/play?cart=816 |