Important Update: This project is closed due to bad implementations and unability to continue.
Much more important update: I can continue to develop the engine, but it will be torn appart and recreated almost from begining.
Fully capable 3D engine for creating 3D fps or 3D thirdperson games. Also may used as model viewer, but It's hell of modifications needs to be used to do so.
Current version v0.0.2 Beta
v0.0.2 Beta:
--Added Y camera moving;
--Refactored whole code except converter, will do it in next update I hope;
--Still bugged as crap.
v0.0.1 Beta Release:
--Posibility to create your own models that will work in 3D space, still updating it
--The Y mouse movement will be added in next update as well as backface culling
--Fixed most annoying face clipping trought screen