Create a formula to make an animated pattern. The formula is evaluated for each of the 16x16x16 spheres. The size of the result determines the size of the sphere between 0 and 1. The sign of the result determines the colour of the sphere; Positive values are white, negative values are red.
You can use standard maths functions and the following parameters...
z is the z position of the sphere 0-15
y is the y position of the sphere 0-15
x is the x position of the sphere 0-15
i is the index of the sphere 0-4095
t is the time in seconds
Drag with the mouse to rotate the pattern.
Standard keyboard editing controls let you modify the formula, and the mouse can also be used for selection.
Left/Right arrow - Move cursor
Shift Left/Right - Select block
Ctrl-A - Select all
Ctrl-C - Copy block
Ctrl-X - Cut block
Ctrl-V - Paste
Ctrl-Z - Undo
Ctrl-Y - Redo
Backspace - Delete previous character
Delete - Delete next character
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